Thursday, July 26, 2007

Los Quemados, Dominican Republic

drifted away from the southern coast of DR, in midst of mountains I find the village of 'the burnt'
Isreal quietly saddles up

the village has a few streets, several stores, a church with a primary school and no hospital

I'm a stranger here, everybody watches curiously

come to the crossing point of river

many villagers cross river like this

construction workers on the river bank have built a cable troley

so I took it one day

fire in the mountains of Los Quemados (the burnt) in DR 'quemados' also means accademically failed

across the river, through someone's private farm property, there's a waterfall where everyone hangs out

on the way back home, half a mile to the river and the rain came in hard by a colmado

colmado is a general store, sells batteries, soaps, cigarretes, beer and collection of Domnican rum

waiting for the rain to lift, to get back across the river

water is rapid, hold onto each other

Prakash, an Indian national and Dominican resident on a vacation with his French wife Laurence and their lovely 1 yr old, another rare guest in the village of Los Quemados. I get to tag along with them to the Northern city of Santiago, where I flew out of this country, back to the United States, but my Corn Farm Tour continues

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